Post 1: The Moving Image
Just like the Lumiere brothers, American inventors wanted to explore the idea of the moving image. One of the first instances of capturing movement occurred in 1872 in Palo Alto, California when Eadweard Mubridge took a series of photographs of a trotting horse. He had been commissioned by the governor of California at the time, Leland Standford, to complete photographic studies about racing horses. Standford wanted to conclude the debate of whether all four hooves of horses left the ground when they ran. These photographs, which were combined to form a video, showed that horses did in fact leave the ground completely.
The Lumiere brothers shot their films in a very similar way to Mubridge. With only the early advancements of film, all of their experiments show a straight, eye level angle onscreen. It is interesting to see the similar cross over between both inventors in their attempt to create motion pictures.
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